The second SAGEX training school will take place from 17-21 February 2020, at Humboldt University. It is open to external students as well as our SAGEX ESRs. Advance registration is required.
Attend the SAGEX training school on gauge and string theory
The first SAGEX training school on gauge and string theory will take place at DESY from 22-26 July 2019. This exciting school will have a special emphasis on scattering amplitudes in gauge and string theories, and is primarily aimed at early-stage researchers and advanced masters students. The intention is to bridge the gap between textbook material and the forefront of current research.
The confirmed lecturers and topics are:
- Johannes Henn (MPP Munich): Introduction to Scattering Amplitudes
- David Kosower (IPhT Saclay): Loop-level Technologies
- Claude Duhr (CERN & UCL Louvain): Mathematical Structure of Feynman Integrals
- Oliver Schlotterer (Uppsala University): String Amplitudes
- Gleb Arutyunov (University of Hamburg): Holography and Integrability
The school is open to non-SAGEX students, and is free of charge to attend. (Participants must pay for their own travel, accommodation and subsistence costs). Register for the school on the event website to secure a place.
The SAGEX project has officially begun
The SAGEX project officially began with a successful and highly-enjoyable kick-off meeting, held at Queen Mary University of London from 4 – 7 September 2018.
The meeting brought SAGEX academics from across Europe and North America together with our industry partners for a series of talks on the state of the art in scattering amplitudes research. For more information and the full agenda, please visit the kick-off meeting Indico page.